These are a type of insect which have evolved to colonise cooler climates and occupy premises taking particular advantage of heated buildings. All cockroaches pass through nymphal stages (this means that they are smaller and grow through a series of moults) The cockroach feeds on a diverse range of both solid and liquid foods. Leg parts are adapted for running. If large numbers are present an unpleasant odour may be detected.
a) Blatta orientalis (Oriental or Common Cockroach)
b) Blattella germanica (German Cockroach)
c) Periplaneta australasiae (Austrailian Cockroach)
d) Periplaneta brunnea (Brown-banded Cockroach)
e) Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach)
Of these, the most commonly found are Blatta Orientalis and Blattella Germanica.
Blatta orientalis can be found in most types of buildings and outdoors in sewer systems, waste sites and will thrive in both heated and non-heated premises. They tend to occupy ground level (basements, ducts etc.) probably because it lacks sticky pads on its feet to enhance its climbing ability, but does possess claws on its feet which allows it to climb if it so wishes. They are at their most active during night hours and emerge at almost the same time each evening due to an in-built timing mechanism which triggers activity (known as the Circadian Rhythm)
Blattella germanica prefer heated environments, such as kitchens, hospitals, nursing homes, laundries etc. This type does possess sticky pads on its feet which enable it to climb with ease and may well be found in rooms above ceilings and door frames etc.
Cockroach species have been found to carry many disease organisms such as: Salmonella, worms (human hookworm, dog hookworm, round worm and tapeworm) Tuberculosis, Dysentery, Gastroenteritis. Therefore, the control of cockroaches is of vital importance to Environmental Health Departments in food handling establishments.
For further details and information on treatments of these pest species, please contact P & P PEST CONTROL LTD on 01873 830204 or email us for free advice and/or a no obligation survey.